Sunday, September 29, 2013

Android version: How to edit formulas & add formulas to the database

To Edit formula composition:

Go to Menu and select "Manage Formulas"
Select either BM based or Custom formulas.
For other two groups, manufacturers require that formula compositions are not changed by the user.
 Touch the name of the formula that you want to edit.
 In formula values screen, touch the "Edit Values" button at the bottom of the screen.
Touch the field that you need to edit and make changes.
Then touch "Save Changes" button to save changes to database. Use the "Back" button on the bottom to cancel changes.

To add formulas to the BM group or custom group:

Touch the name of the group to go to list of formulas.
This view is empty because there are no formulas in Custom group when you launch the app.

Touch the "Add Custom Formula" button at the bottom (this button is titled "Add Custom BM formula"in the BM group.

You cannot add formulas to the Premie and Other group.
Using keypad enter some or all the details for the custom formula.
Touch "Add Formula" button and you are done. This formula will be added to the database and you can access it from the "feeds" screen.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Android Version of NICU Nutrition Calculator

Android Version of NICU Nutrition Calculator basically mirrors all the functionality of the iPhone app in an android environment. Some of the controls are located in different places on the screen but basically navigation through the app is the same.

Follow this link to find out how to edit or add formulas to the database.

With the first launch of the app, you will be taken to the Preferences panel:

Make selection in each of the three categories and touch "Save".

You will then see the data entry screen of the app. Select what kind of input you want to make at the top of the screen: "Feeds" only, "Both" and "TPN" only.

This is feeds screen:

Enter Weight and feed volume (ml/day or ml/kg/day depending your choice in preferences)

Touch "Select Formula 1"row and you will be taken to formula selection screen (see below). Select type of formula at the top of the screen. Then in the panel below Select name of the formula and concentration (if available by touching the concentration number and selecting concentration)

Once you have selected the formula touch "Select" button at the bottom of the screen.

Enter Liquid protein value if required.

Repeat the same process to enter Formula 2 volume and select formula 2 if necessary.

Formula Selection screen below:

This is the TPN screen:

In this screen enter all the values using numeric keypad.


1. Do not include lipid volume in TPN volume
2. Glucose entry will be as % or as GIR depending on you selection in preferences panel
3. Lipid entry is optional

Touch "Calculate" once you have completed entering required information.

From here you can either touch "back" arrow at top left corner and start a new calculation OR use Android "Back" button at the bottom of the screen to go back to a previous screen to change some intake parameter to see it's effect on nutritional intake.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

NICU Nutrition Calculator 2.0

Please follow this link for Q & A for this version.

Please follow this link for information about this update and further links to different new functionality in the app.

There are two walk-through videos below

1. Preferences panel: this is new in version 2 so that users can individualize how data is entered and how calculations are performed.

Preferences panel

2. How to use the app:


Friday, January 11, 2013

How to "Edit" formula Composition

One of the common improvement suggestions I have received is to allow users to edit formula compositions, especially for BM based formulations. Thus in this app you can only modify compositions of "BM based" formulas or Custom formulas.

Here is how:

In the formula composition screen, there will be an "Edit" button in right upper corner 
for formulas that you can edit composition of.

Touch the edit button and the screen will change to one below

Touch inside any field and using the keyboard which pops-up 
make desired change to the composition.
Then touch the "Done" button and changes will be saved.

That's it.